Day 22: Route & Timetable

Route 380 in the snow

Even though I expected there would be some snow when I would go up to Kuma-kogen town, but the amount of snow was indeed more than expected. Today the henro route will be in the mountain side, so I’m bit concerned if I may lose the route in the snow covered mountain.

07:00Departure (D): Mountain lodge Muraya
07:00Walk towards Kuma-kogen (Kuma highlands) town
11:00A: Kuma-kogen town
11:00D: Walk to No.44 Daiho-ji
11:35A: No44 Daiho-ji
12:05Walk to No.45 Iwaya-ji via Furu-iwaya
14:50A: No.45 Iwaya-ji
15:40D: Walk to Haccho-zaka Japanese-inn
17:30A: Haccho-zaka Japanese-inn
Day 22: Route & Timetable

Here’re some pictures from day 22.