Category: Accommodation


Day 3: WEEK Kamiyama

After 30 minutes walk from No.12 Shozan-ji, I arrived at this Jyosan-an where there’s a grave of Emon-Saburo. His story is said to be the beginning of Shikoku Pilgrimage. You can read its story here. It’s always interesting to see something different than what I see in the city. This types of old house is …


Day 5: Fureai-no-sato Sakamoto (ふれあいの里 坂本)

Can you imagine what is the origin of this building, which is now used for hotel ? Sakamoto elementary school was closed in 1994, and then renovated in 2002 to the experience-based facility for farming including accommodation. Fureai-no-sato Sakamoto is also used as community center of this area, and today elder people gather to enjoy …