Category: Road to 88 temples


Day 1: Route & Timetable

Probably I looked bit strange while I’m heading to Tokyo Haneda airport because of Kongo-zue I had with me. At the airport, I was wondering how it would be handled, then staff at the check-in counter kindly wrapped it. It seemed that they know what it is. I was bit surprised to myself, because I’m …


Day 1: Aizen-in, inner shrine of No.3 Konsen-ji (金泉寺奥の院 愛染院)

Aizen-in is located along the route from No.3 Konsen-ji to No.4 Dainichi-ji. In addition to 88 sacred temples, there’re actually more temples that is somewhat connected to Kobo-Daishi. Aizen-in is one of them and it is known from its special temple stamp written by wide-brush. However, I was stuck by this small hall dedicated to …