The distance between sacred temples in Kochi is quite long and there is a lot of hiking in the mountains at the end of the trip. No.32 Zenjibu-ji is one of such temples. After passing through the main gate and going up further, the view opens up suddenly and I’m in front of nice view of the ocean. Looking carefully, I can see the Katsura-hama, such a wonderful view.

It was good to visit the temple with few people today. The precincts of the temple is compact and I personally like this types of old temples.

Dedicated to | Jyuichimen-Kanzeon-Bosatsu (十一面観世音菩薩) |
Founded by | Gyoki-Bosatsu (行基菩薩) |
Denomination | Shingon-sect Busan-group (真言宗豊山派) |
Mantra | おん まか きゃろにきゃ そわか On Maka Kyaronikya Sowaka |
Next temple | No.33 Sekkei-ji (7.5 Km away) |
Previous temple | No.31 Chikurin-ji (5.7 Km away) |
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