Day 16: No.38 Kongofuku-ji (金剛福寺)

The main gate of No.38 Kongofuku-ji

Indeed it was a long journey from No.37 Iwamoto-ji. I walked more than 80 Km to get here. I now understood why Tosa (Kochi prefecture) is considered as the place of ascetic training. In fact, there’re several place where each temple is located quite far away (here’s the one more than 30 Km away).

  • No.23 Yakuo-ji – No.24 Hotsumisaki-ji: 75.4 Km
  • No.27 Konomine-ji – No.28 Dainichi-ji: 37.5 Km
  • No.36 Seiryu-ji – No.37 Iwamoto-ji: 58.5 Km
  • No.37 Iwamoto-ji – No.38 Seiryu-ji: 80.4 Km
  • No.38 Kongofuku-ji – No.39 Enko-ji: 52.8 Km

Actually there’re 3 more patterns in all the 88 sacred temples which has more than 30 Km away. And BTW, they’re waiting for me in Iyo – Ehime prefecture ;), but that’s all.

Furthermore, the coastline road is just long and monotonous. So unless you really like photographing the beautiful coast line like me 🙂 it would be even tougher.

The Nio-statue of Kongofuku-ji looks quite funny

A bit cluttered precincts with rocks and turtle statue

The landlord of Lodge Camellia said that it looks like they have accumulated a lot of money 🙂 and I felt it is probably true when seeing various things such as rocks, a stone statue of a turtle in the precincts. However, they’re not too new nor too garish, and actually they fits in this tropical mood.

Two storied pagota

The main temple of No.38 Kongofuku-ji


I felt like it’s been a long time since I recite the heart sutra, even though it’s just one day that I didn’t do it yesterday.

The temple stamp of No.38 Kongofuku-ji

Dedicated toSanmen-Senjyu-Kanzeon-Bosatsu (三面千手観世音菩薩)
Founded byKobo-Daishi (弘法大師)
DenominationShingon-sect Busan-group (真言宗豊山派)
Mantraおん ばざらたらま きりく
On Bazaratarama Kiriku
Next templeNo.39 Enko-ji (52.8 Km away)
Previous templeNo.37 Iwamoto-ji (80.4 Km away)
No.38 Kongofuku-ji