Day 14: No.37 Iwamoto-ji (岩本寺)

The entrance of Iwamoto-ji is next to grocery store

The main gate of No.37 Iwamoto-ji

Nio statue is somewhat cute !?

The main temple of No.37 Iwamoto-ji

The main temple of No.37 Iwamoto-ji is rather new. Inside, chairs are lined up to the principal image of this temple. It actually reminds me church.

575 ceiling paintings

Many of them do not seem to have anything to do with Buddhism

When I was reciting sutra, elder couple were taking pictures while saying that there were a cute girl. After finishing worship, I looked up at the ceiling and saw a lot of paintings on the ceiling. In fact, there were a lot of pictures that didn’t seem to have anything to do with Buddhism. Indeed, it was quite beautiful with many different themes and colors.

Goko – A five-forked prayer stuff which is connected to Kobo-Daishi with the 5 colored string

Very interestingly, Iwamoto-ji is dedicated to 5 different principal images, i.e Fudo-Myoo (不動明王), Kanzeon-Bosatsu (観世音菩薩), Amida-Nyorai (阿弥陀如来), Yakushi-Nyorai (薬師如来), Jizo-Bosatsu (地蔵菩薩).


A god of joy

The temple stamp of No.37 Iwamoto-ji

Dedicated toFudo-Myoo (不動明王)
Kanzeon-Bosatsu (観世音菩薩)
Amida-Nyorai (阿弥陀如来)
Yakushi-Nyorai (薬師如来)
Jizo-Bosatsu (地蔵菩薩)
Founde byGyoki-Bosatsu (行基菩薩)
DenominiationShingon-sect Chisan-group (真言宗智山派)
なうまく さんまんだばざらだん せんだまかろしゃだ そはたや うん たらた かんまん
Naumaku Sanmandabazaradan SEndamakaroshada Sohataya Un Tarata Kanman

おん あろりきゃ そわか
On Arorikya Sowaka

おん あみりたていぜい から うん
On Amiritateizei Kara Un

おん ころころ せんだり まとうぎ そわか
On Korokoro Sendari Matougi Sowaka

おん かかかび さんまえい そわか
On Kakakabi Sanmaei Sowaka
Next templeNo.38 Kongofuku-ji (80.4 Km away!)
Previous templeNo.36 Seiryu-ji (58.5 Km away)
No.37 Iwamoto-ji