Day 27: No.64 Maegami-ji (前神寺)

There seems no main gate with Nio-statue at No.64 Maegami-ji

Around here on Route 11, I saw the name of “Takamatsu” (located in the next prefecture Kagawa), which made me feel like I had finally come this far.


The gate of Maegami-ji was a bit too simple, but the precincts were spacious and had a nice atmosphere. The main temple seemed to be at the far end.

Ascetic Daishi statue

Waterfall fudoson

The statue of Fudo in front of the main temple was covered with water from above, but the water was stained brown, probably because of the high iron content.

The main temple is really beautiful, shaped like wings spread out.

I was quite surprised at the main temple that appeared in front of me. There were long corridors with roofs on both sides of the temple, making it look like it had wings spread out. It was indeed magnificent.

The main temple of No.64 Maegami-ji

Jizo statue in the precincts

Usually only “弘法” is written with golden color, but this one looks quite different

I also noticed that the signboard on the main temple was usually written in gold letters and read “Kobo”, but the one on this main temple was written in black letters and read “Kobo Daishi”.

The temple stamp of No.64 Maegami-ji

Dedicated toAmida-Nyorai (阿弥陀如来)
Founded byEn-no-Gyoja-Odunu (役の行者 小角)
DenominationShingon-sect Ishizuchi-group (真言宗石鎚派)
Mantraおん あみりた ていせい からうん
On Amirita Teisei Karaun
Next templeNo.65 Sankaku-ji (45.2 Km away)
I also visited Bekkaku No.12 Mani-san Enme-ji
Previous templeNo.63 Kissho-ji (3.2 Km away)
No.64 Maegami-ji