Senyu-ji is about 250 meters above sea level, and the descent is pretty tough. On the way to Kokubun-ji, I found a lot of stone old sign posts which show the route of the pilgrimage. I also passed an archaeological site of some kind, but I wondered what it was.

As written before, there’re Kokubun-ji in each 4 prefectures, and this is the 3rd one I visited during this pilgrimage, the one for Iyo. This Kokubun-ji does not have a main gate, but instead has something like stone lanterns.

In the precincts, what caught my eye was the statue of Kobo-Daishi and a shiny black stone vessel labeled “Yakushi no Tsubo (Pharmacist’s vessel)”. It is said that if you touch it while chanting the words of Yakushi Nyorai, your wish for that part of your body will come true.
Interestingly, the statue of Kobo-Daishi is holding out his hand, and it is said to be good if you pray only one wish while shaking his hand.

Dedicated to | Yakushi-Ruriko-Nyorai (薬師瑠璃光如来) |
Founded by | Gyoki-Bosatsu (行基菩薩) |
Denomination | Shingon-risshu (真言律宗) |
Mantra | おん ころころ せんだり まとうぎ そわか On Korokoro Sendari Matougi Sowaka |
Next temple | No.60 Yokomine-ji (27.0 Km away) |
Previous temple | No.58 Senyu-ji (6.1 Km away) |
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