On the way to Enmei-ji, I found a quite interesting old house with the water bottle on the roof. In the early Edo period, the Ide family, the head of the village, who had sided with the Tokugawa government, was allowed to replace the straw roof with tiles and place a water bottle on the roof for fire protection.

A short distance from the main gate with Nio-statue, there is yet another small gate. It was originally for a castle gate of Matsuyama castle, and was moved here.

Overall, the temple is small and compact. The temple has a “Goriyaku Shakujyo” which is said to be beneficial if you turn it around. I guess I haven’t seen it in other temples.

Also, the statue of Fudo Myoo is quite cool and unique with the jeweled crown on his head. The temple also has an old temple bell called “Chikami Jiro”, which is different from other temple bells in its roundness and has a kind of cute atmosphere.

Dedicated to | Fudo-Myoo (不動明王) |
Founded by | Gyoki-Bosatsu (行基菩薩) |
Denomination | Shingon-sect Busan-group (真言宗豊山派) |
Mantra | のうまく さんまんだ ばざらだん せんだ まかろしゃだ そわたや うん たらた かんまん Noumaku Sanmanda Bazaradan Senda Makaroshada Sowataya Un Tarata Kanman |
Next temple | No.55 Nanko-bo (3.4 Km away) |
Previous temple | No.53 Enmyo-ji (34.4 Km away) |
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