Category: Route & Timetable


Day 7: Route & Timetable

Every morning, I saw TV program, and noticed that they pick up topics regarding settlers who moved from large cities to Tokushima quite often (almost every morning). I guess population is aging and decreasing, and it has become serious problems…Mobility service might be one of key attribute to solve some pain points around this problem, …


Day 9: Route & Timetable

The landlady clang the ring from the downstairs every time when something (dinner, bath, breakfast) is ready for me. And it was always 20 minutes earlier than planned time. She said she’s impatient, but I feel it comes from her kindness for pilgrims. She also kindly prepared a lunch box for me for a long …


Day 11: Route & Timetable

On the way to No.28 Dainichi-ji, I passed through a town called Akaoka. There’s the Benten-za theatre, which seems to be used for various purpose by local resident (I think it’s originally Kabuki theater). In front of this Benten-za, there’s Ekingura museum where you can see Ekin’s art (unfortunately, it was too early in the …


Day 12: Route & Timetable

I got a taxi ride to Chikurin-ji where I finished the route yesterday and started from there in the beautiful pinkish morning glow. Time Place 06:20 Departure (D): Richmond Hotel Kochi 06:40 Arrival (A): Chikurin-ji bus station (by taxi) 06:40 D: Walk to No.32 Zenjibu-ji 08:10 A: No.32 Zenjibu-ji 08:40 D: Walk to No.32 Sekkei-ji …