Day 6: No.20 Kakurin-ji (鶴林寺)

You can borrow sticks for mountain trails

The henro trail up to No.20 Kakurin-ji is just uphill all the way and it’s also pretty steep. Although the map said it should not be too long, it’s indeed tough.

Mizunomi-Taishi (水呑大師), it is said that Kobo-Daishi had a drink of water from the spring which wells up here

I’m feeling accumulated fatigues when I arrive at this Mizunomi-Taishi, which is still half way to No.20 Kakurin-ji, oh…

The board is showing the route to No.21 Tairyu-ji

Nice view from the Henro trail, seeing No.21 Tairyu-ji over there

All the sudden, this beautiful panoramic view spread out to me. But then I realized from the board, that I should go down the mountain, and then climb up again, after this tough trail up to No.20 Kakurin-ji… phew.

The main gate of No.20 Kakurin-ji

The main gate of No.20 Kakurin-ji stands in the solemn quite atmosphere. It’s still early in the morning, and there’s no one around. The efforts to climb up here really deserve 🙂

A crane is gazing Nio-statue in the main gate

I found it interesting that the crane sculpture is gazing at Nio-statue in the main gate. The name of No.20 Kakurin-ji (鶴林寺) includes the word “鶴 – a crane”, so after seeing it, I could imagine that cranes would be connected to the origin of this sacred temple.

The crane sculpture can be found near the main temple

It is said that while training in this mountain, Kobo-Daishi found a pair of cranes protect a small golden “Ojizo-san (お地蔵さん)”. He was pleased so much about it, and then carved a Jizo-bosatsu statue (地蔵菩薩像) about 90 cm height, and put the small golden “Ojizo-san” inside. It is said that No.20 Kakurin-ji is dedicated to this Jizo-bosatsu.

The Daishi-do of No.20 Kakurin-ji

I noticed that there’s no votive card with my name on it, so I prepare some at the Nokyo-jyo (納経所) after getting the temple stamp. While doing so, I spoke to the old lady in charge, and she told me a bit about some topics related to 1200-year anniversary of Henro route founding by Kobo-Daishi, which was last year.

The temple stamp of No.20 Kakurin-ji

Dedicated toJizo-Bosatsu (地蔵菩薩)
Founded byKobo-Daishi (弘法大師)
DenominationSingon-sect Koya-group (真言宗高野派)
Mantraおん かかかび さんまえい そわか
On Kakakabi Sanmaei Sowaka
Next templeNo.21 Tairyu-ji (6.7 Km away)
Previous templeNo.19 Tatsue-ji (13.1 Km away)
No.20 Kakkurin-ji