The person I met at Kechigan-no-yado Nagao-ji recommended to go for the route via Mt.Nyotai, but considering the time, I took the old pilgrimage route. The old pilgrimage route was a little scary because there was a disposal site for construction soil on the way, and trucks kept coming by. Once you get past it, it’s nice, quiet and paved mountain road.

Tokuemon Takeda is one of the people who made efforts to improve and maintain the pilgrimage routes in Shikoku. From the Kansei to Bunka periods, he devoted himself to the development of the pilgrimage route and erected many stone signposts. It is rare to find the one caved into natural stone among the existing milestone indicators.

As the numbers on the stone milestone indicator decreased, I began to feel that I was about to finish my pilgrimage. And then, at the end of the road, I saw the large main gate of Ookubo-ji. I was quietly moved.

As I approached the main gate, I saw that it read, “Shikoku Sacred Sites, the place of completion of the pilgrimage”.

I walked through the large main gate, washed my hands, rang the bell in the bell tower, took a few pictures, and went to the main temple to light a lantern, offer incense, and recite the sutras. All these were exactly same routine that I did from day 1. And I felt I could do it very smoothly now 🙂

When I went to the Taishi-do, I saw a huge number of Kongo-zue dedicated next to it. Finally, I paid my last respects to the Taishi-do. Yes, this was the end of my pilgrimage!

At the Nokyo-jyo, I received a completion stamp on my stamp book. Also, I got a certificate of the completion of my Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage.
I completed it finally, however, strangely enough I didn’t feel like that. But at this point, I felt it was definitely a fantastic pilgrimage with a lot to learn about myself, beautiful nature and wonderful culture of Shikoku.

Dedicated to | Yakushi-Nyorai (薬師如来) |
Founded by | Gyoki-Bosatsu (行基菩薩) |
Denomination | Shingon-sect Zentsuji-group (真言宗善通寺派) |
Mantra | おん ころころ せんだり まとうぎ そわか On Korokoro Sendari Matougi Sowaka |
Next temple | None! |
Previous temple | No.87 Nagao-ji (15.1 Km away) |
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