Category: Kagawa Sacred Temples


Day 33: Jizo-ji, inner shrine of No.86 Shido-ji (志度寺奥の院 地蔵寺)

Before arriving at Shido-ji, I found the inner shrine of Shido-ji and paid my respects. I was curious about the meaning of “Uonomido (魚霊堂)” written in front of the gate, so I looked it up. There is a legend that during the reign of Emperor Keiko in Japanese mythology, a son of Nihon Takeru-no-Mikoto was …


Day 33: Gyokusen-ji, inner shrine of No.87 Nagao-ji (長尾寺奥の院 玉泉寺)

I think it’s interesting or rather strange that the inner shrine is appeared before the main temple even though I’m following the “official” pilgrimage route. For example, today, I reached Jizo-ji (the inner shrine of No.86 Shido-ji) before Shido-ji, and now I reached Gyokusen-ji (the inner shrine of No.87 Nagao-ji) before Nagao-ji 🙂 The temple …