Day 1: Aizen-in, inner shrine of No.3 Konsen-ji (金泉寺奥の院 愛染院)

The main gate of No.3 inner-shrine Aizen-in

Aizen-in is located along the route from No.3 Konsen-ji to No.4 Dainichi-ji. In addition to 88 sacred temples, there’re actually more temples that is somewhat connected to Kobo-Daishi. Aizen-in is one of them and it is known from its special temple stamp written by wide-brush.

So many straw sandals with huge one

However, I was stuck by this small hall dedicated to Akazawa-Shinanomori with so many straw sandals with really huge one. If you pray here, it is said that any diseases below your waist can be recovered.

Hake-nokyo of Aizen-in, written by wide brush

Unfortunately the chief priest is out of office, hence there’re only “Hanshi-nokyo” (pre-written one) available. Indeed, it’s very special.

Dedicated toFudo-myoo (不動明王)
Founded byKobo-Daishi (弘法大師)
DenominationShingon-sect Koya-group (真言宗高野派)
Next templeNo.4 Dainichi-ji
Previous templeNo.3 Konsen-ji
No.3 inner-shrine Aizen-in