It’s interesting to see things that could give me some hints about the life around here. On the way to Seitaki-ji, I found they’re drying Japanese radish. I wonder if they’re going to make Takuan – yellow pickled radish.

I finally entered Tosa city by crossing the Niyodo river. I didn’t expect this river is such big, since it’s well known for the clarity of the water. The scenery is also really great.
I could not find where is the Henro route easily, so I looked at Google Maps for a while and then noticed that the Business Inn Tosa was nearby, where I’m going to stay today. OK, if that’s the case, I can put my luggage at the hotel first, and am free from my heavy backpack for 2 hour round trip to Kiyotaki-ji, which is in the mountain.

Kiyotaki-ji is also located on top of the mountain… I remember this entrance because I saw it several times in TV program called How do you like Wednesdays “水曜どうでしょう” showing how narrow the route up to the temple is. Strangely, many children came running down this narrow Henro route from above. Is there anything for kids !?

The approach to the main gate has nice and calm atmosphere. There was also a magnificent dragon portrait on the ceiling of the gate.

After another 100 steps from the main gate, there is a large statue of the Yakushi-Nyorai between the main temple and the Taishi-do. As I approached, I noticed I can enter in this statue.
I felt that Kiyotaki-ji is quite unique. At first, as you can see in the picture, the layout is symmetrical, with the Yakushi-Nyorai standing between the main temple and the Taishi-do, which look very similar. In addition, the ceiling of the main temple is decorated with the zodiac sign board, which I saw the first time during this pilgrimage. The dragon portrait in the main gate too is unique.

After completing worship, I went inside the statue of Yakushi-Nyorai. It seems that I have to walk clockwise from the left side. It was narrow, really dark inside and I couldn’t see anything, so I groped around with my hands and feet. Then I found this Buddhist alter inside.

Dedicated to | Yakushj-Nyorai (薬師如来) |
Founded by | Gyoki-Bosatsu (行基菩薩) |
Denomination | Shingon-sect Busan-group (真言宗豊山派) |
Mantra | おん ころころ せんだり まとうぎ そわか On Korokoro Sendari Matougi Sowaka |
Next temple | No.36 Seiryu-ji (13.9 Km away) |
Previous temple | No.34 Tanema-ji (9.8 Km away) |
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